Work Right Now.
OMG- what a day. A little over 13 hours of pretty hard and sustained work. I do really like what I’m doing, which is one of the reasons I stayed so long, but I shouldn’t have. The main reason I’m writing about work is because J is making me fucking crazy right now, I’m stewing about it. Ask me about the lighting in the prop room right now- are you fucking kidding me- have you been in the basement and seen the prop resource we are building- this is infrastructure dipshit! We are doing this first. The fact that you are so oblivious to what is going on drives me nuts!
I’m pretty frustrated with you. I have tried to work with you, and I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. We have spoken before about how I don’t believe you were set up well here from the git-go, and how I don’t agree with some of the things you and JT agreed to when you were hired. I have tried working with you and to be fair, more than once you have responded and stepped it up a little, but it doesn’t last and as soon as you complete the thing that’s extra that I need you to do you slip back into the ambiguity of your schedule or are just out of office. If I had to give you your performance review right now I would have to say you are not meeting my expectations.
I also feel that the rest of the propping team operates better when you are gone- people naturally step in and help and it just runs better. When you are back, everyone seems more aloof and not like they are working in an environment that is growing and changing quickly and for which we need all hands on deck. I looked at your team’s vacation and realized you have approved 6 weeks for B so far, I was shocked, I haven’t heard anything about this at all. I also wasn’t shocked since at least once in the company of others, many of whom get ZERO paid vacation, you humble-bragged about how much vacation you have taken this year. Your leadership is not satisfactory either.
I would really prefer if you resigned, because I think that would be easier for me to deal with, but if you would like to stay here I need you to be a part of this as a leader, and not some entitled brat who prefers to do the least amount of work possible.
End rant.